Opening Hours : Monday to Saturay - 9 Am to 4 Pm
Call us: (02322) 225180, +91-8275450655,
Name Of the School | Anekant English Medium School, Jaysingpur |
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Phone No. | 9763514907, 9226695065 |
Fax. No. | NO |
Year of Establishment of School | 2017 |
Whether NOC from State/UT of recommendation of Embassy of India obtained? | State Govt. of Maharashtra |
Name of the Grievance | Mrs. Priya Garole | | |
Mobile No. | 9763514907 |
Name of Trust/Society/Company Registered under Section 25 of the Company Act, 1956 period upto which Registration of the trust/ society is valid | Anekant Education Society |
Name of Official Address of the Manager/ President/ Chairman/ Correspondent | Er. Abhijeet Subhash Adadande | | |
Mobile No. | 9226695065 |
In acres | 1.5 acres |
In Sq. mtrs. | 6000 |
Build Up area (sq. mtrs.) | 2348 |
Area of play ground in sq. mtrs. | 4000 |
Other Facilities |